Who are Market Challenger?
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Market Challenger is a company whose product took second place of most demanding consumers. Actually, not always the number two but it could be ranked third or so. In a contest, there are a winner, runner up and third place. The Winner can we call a market leader. Runner up and third place is called Market Challenger.
In a general sense, market challenger is a company trying to beat the market leaders. If the Market leader in large-scale promotion on television then Market Challenger will also followed his lead. Both will continue to compete. If the market leader off guard, it is possible the market challenger will grab their position.
For the market leader, market challenger is a potential major competitor for them as well as the most feared opponent. If you are a company or person who is most feared by the company so you are a market challenger. But if not making a bit afraid of market leader, possibility your position is market nicher.

An example is the seller burger cart, of course not going to make McDonald's afraid because he's not market challenger. His position is simply a market nicher, who tried to benefit from the trend selling burgers. Although he get big benefit, he would not interfere with McDonald as the Market Leader.
Other stories if the seller burger cart is developing its business, he made some outlets with good management. He placed near MacDonald outlets. If the presence of these new outlets affect McDonald revenue, they position has been included in Market Challenger category.
It's the second of Market Level after market leader, next post i will write about market follower and market nicher. Stay here to learn how to increase sales.
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: Who are Market Challenger?
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