How to Select Strategic Locations for Selling

Posted by agito Monday, April 9, 2012 0 comments

Choosing a strategic location is the last part of marketing mix. Choosing a strategic location as important as other elements of marketing mix. The most important of location is easily accessible by all parties. Whether it's consumers, producers or product and employees It is general because it is in fact a way to sell products each company is different . There is a direct selling, retail and franchise and create a branch up to reach consumers.

Here are general criteria for selecting a strategic location for our business;

Easy to Reach by Consumers

The effects of good promotion, your product will be sought by consumers. They will find it in our place or any place that provides products we sell. Try to imagine, when a consumer who has been educated by our campaignand need our products, but they are difficult to obtain our products, they will feel cheated! Fatally. Though the goal of our promotion is increase our sales, isn’t it? It’s the reaseon why that is called MARKETING MIX. All must support each other. When one of just less going well, we will difficult to increase sales.

The point is our location have to close or easily accessible by our target consumers. Another factor to consider is the density of population, income, population, number of firms in area, number of competitors and amount of traffic passing on our place.

Easy to reach by Product We Sell

This also is important because we must keep in place the availability of products we sell. If we choose a place some distance to where the production  is possible at certain times we will have difficulty to provide the products we sell. Inhibitors could be technical factors, human error or natural factors. In anticipation of that possibility, it should be our location should be easily accessible by products we sell.

Easily accessible by Employee

Although seemingly nothing to do with our sales performance improvement, but employee  is one factor determining to successfully increase sales. They are the spearhead of our sales. If our location easily accessible by employees, they don’t have transportation costs are too great for working and saving time. One side of their loyalty level will be maintained and encourages them to discipline, because there is no reason for employees to arrive lates.

Sometimes we don’t find a place that is really strategic within easy reach by all employees. So try to choose place that easily accessible minimum by our key employees. Because key employee is a matter that should receive priority service from company. If at any time, there is a need for decision-making, then they will come quickly and resolve problem.

As noted above, these factors are common but can be considered by all types of companies. Due to a company engaged in services, they usually have their own way to define a strategic location as a place to sell  Likewise with retail business and frenchise, they have their own benchmarks are more specific when it will determine the location of trading.

Maybe next time I will write for a more specific business form  as choosing strategic location for frenchise. So still visit this blog and keep trying to increase sales.

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