3 Market Research Methods to Be Successful in Selling
Monday, May 14, 2012
Before we produce and sell products, we have to do market research. This is very important because we can’t guess or estimate desired products by market. So market research is helping us to give an overview of products that consumers want. Don’t let because we're so confident in the greatness of our products, we forget this market research. As a result we like gambling in selling. Chances are we succeed and fail in selling is 50:50.
Businessman soul is amazing, when he finds a brilliant idea. He desire to make it happen soon. Sometimes forget the enthusiasm of market research. When the product is sold, he will be disappointed because consumer was not interested in buying his product. Market research is helping businesses to minimize such failures. So we are always trying to produce the desired by consumer. Of course to succeed in selling.
Actually, the method of market research for products that consumers want to know quite a lot. There are three popular enough that you can use to succeed in selling, ie questionnaires, focus groups and surveys.
1. Questionnaire.
Questionnaire methods of marketing research can be done with paper surveys (interviews) or online. In general, the questionnaire is more likely to be answered if there are incentives (ie reward). Reward not necessarily a sum of money or expensive items. We can provide as a merchant our business ie t-shirt, mug or ballpoint present our company logo. So might as well do the branding.
If McDonald incentive marketing research methods are, by the time they wanted to launch the "ice cream cone", after being interviewed, the respondents are given in return a sum of money, given a keepsake gift.
2. Focus Group.
Focus group is a method of marketing research by using a small group of consumers is collected under the direction of a moderator, while the researchers videotaped and recorded their observations on the responses, reactions, and customer comments. Participants are usually paid for their time.
Based on the experience of a business expert, ten respondents with one moderator and three researchers quite effective for this market research methods. But be careful when using this method of marketing research, the answers obtained from respondents are often refractive.

3. Survey.
Survey shorter than questionnaire, so no need to return. Online survey will receive outstanding response if your method of marketing research is presented in a positive way. Through this website, you can put a few questions (which do not interfere, simple, and easily answered) to obtain comments and suggestions from website visitors, especially shoppers.
This survey could also do with the method of email, phone or sms. But this method over the phone should be avoided as it seemed like spamming. Methods of marketing research using telephone surveys is a terror to people who were eating quietly or nap. Most of them are very disturbed and more unpopular.
Before we create and launch our product, use the above methods of market research. So you do not have product fail in market. Once we get the conclusion of our marketing research, test and measurement on a small scale first. The goal is that you really know that your product will be sold on the market. Final goal , we succeed and increase sales.
See you ... and tell me, your experience about market research that you have done in comment form.
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: 3 Market Research Methods to Be Successful in Selling
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