Build Positioning of Your Product to Increase Sales
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Market segmentation, Determine Market Target and Positioning is one entity. Of course, to increase our sales. This positioning is core of this strategy. According to Michael Porter, strategy is an attempt to produce a unique and valuable position for customers. So it is no exaggeration if we call positioning as the core of our sales strategy.
You already know the sense of positioning? Positioning in classical era is often defined as a strategy to win and control minds of customers through our products or services. But according to Hermawan Kertajaya-business experts from Indonesia, positioning is "the strategy to lead your costumer credible". Your efforts to build and gain customer confidence. Simply language is a promise that you offer to your customers and you must meet.

In simple, positioning is one, two or maybe three benefits desired by consumers and you can provide a higher level than your competitors. The benefits can be functional, emotional and economical.
There are 4 recipes from Hermawan about how to build proper positioning,
- Positioning should be perceived positively by customers and a "reason to buy" or reason for them to buy your product or service. This will happen when you describe positioning value you provide to your customers and your value really is an asset for them. Something they really need!
- Positioning should reflect the strengths and competitive advantages of your business. Don’t you ever formulate positioning, but you were not able to do so. This is very dangerous. Why? Due to over-promise, under-deliver. And if you have this, customers will taste you have lied! If it so, drop your credibility in the eyes of customer.
- Positioning must be unique so it can easily differentiate yourself from competitors. When your positioning are unique, you are not easily imitated by competitors. As a result, positioning you will survive in a long long time!
- Positioning should be continuous and always relevant to the various changes in business environment. Whether it's a change in competition, customer behavior, socio-cultural changes, and so on. The point is this. If you postioning is not relevant to business environment, you must quickly change. In other words, you do repositioning!
I hope the above article could give us some idea of positioning. Hopefully we can continue to increase sales. See you ...
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: Build Positioning of Your Product to Increase Sales
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